History of Fairview Christian Church

Pierce Long is largely credited as the founder of Fairview Christian Church. He and his wife, Alma, along with a number of people who later became charter members, canvassed the area and encouraged people to join them in the establishment of a new church.
In November 1954, Pierce met with the Christian Education Commission of Greater Kansas City to inquire about the possibility of a new Christian Church north of the Missouri River. As a result of this visit he was named chairman of a committee to organize a congregation in the area then known as Linden, Missouri. The Fairview Christian Church of Gladstone, Missouri, first known as the Linden Christian Church, held its first service of worship on June 19, 1955 in the Linden Community Building. The sermon on that occasion was entitled "Faith and Life's New Adventures". There were 83 people in attendance, 16 of whom placed their membership with the new congregation. The total offering on that day was $52. After a few weeks of meeting in the community building, arrangements were made to meet in the Linden Elementary School. On October 4th, the congregation adopted the name "Fairview Christian Church".
In November 1955, the Christian Women's Fellowship was organized with Mrs. Ben Neally as the first president. The first Women's Day observance with December 12.
In June 1956, the Christian Church Commission - in counsel with the local congregation - purchased a 10 acre church site at 1800 NE 65th Street in Gladstone. On June 17th the site was dedicated and 70 members signed the charter.
Rev. Clifford Scott was called as the first full-time minister in June 1956. He delivered his first sermon at the dedication of the building site.
The first official board meeting and officers were elected on July 1, 1956. William Axon became the congregation's first chairman. A constitution and by-laws were adopted and a Christian Youth Fellowship (CYF) was organized.
In August 1956 an old farmhouse on the site was remodeled and on September 2nd the congregation began holding Sunday School and worship services in this building. In December the first church parsonage - located at 6403 N. Michigan - was purchased.
The first Vacation Church School was held in June 1957, with 68 children enrolled.
A fund-raising campaign was conducted during the first months of 1957 to raise a portion of the $75,000 needed for the first unit of the new church. On June 23rd a ground breaking ceremony for the new building was held. On November 17th the first service of worship was held in the new building. The first unit consisted of classrooms (current staff offices), a kitchen (current library) and a sanctuary (current chapel/lounge area). The dedication ceremony was held on January 12, 1958.
In June 1958 Boy Scout Troop #316 was organized at Fairview Christian Church with Dick Kalen as the first Scoutmaster.
Fairview Christian Church as been served by only 5 senior ministers during its half-century of ministry. The Rev. James Allen Nichols succeeded Rev. Scott in February of 1959 and shepherded the congregation through its formative years of growth and expansion. In January 1968 the Rev. Dr. Robert Bell became the 3rd minister of the congregation. Rev. Loyd Gentry followed Rev. Bell serving 27 years from September 1975 through December 2002. Rev. Frank H. Everett, began his services with the church in March 2004 and leaving in July 2012.
In June of 2014 we brought on our first set of Co-Pastors: Kassie and Travis Smith McKee. Their first Sunday in the pulpit was June 15th. Kassie left us in September 2019, Travis in December 2019.
An array of interim ministers has served the congregation during the transition periods between permanent pastors. These include the Revs Garner Noland, Joseph Stewart, Norman Berry, Charles Wilson, Eugene Moore, Edward Young, Rodger Kube, Pastor Donna Rose-Heim and Rev. Raymond L Hankins. Steven Regas.
Fairview has spawned 2 "Timothys". Steven Regas (son of Clarence and Jean) was ordained in June 1984 and Roger-Burns Watson was ordained in June 1995.
In 1992 the Rev. Janet Chapman became Fairview's first associate minister. The Rev. Joy Linn followed her as an interim and was succeeded by Ron Bowen (1997-2004), and then Sondra Bowers (2005-2007). The Rev. Dr. Clarence Tucker first came on staff as an interim associate minister (2004-2005), then as part time Associate Minister in 2006, retiring shortly after that.
Mrs Francis Chambers was employed in 1968 as the church's first Director of Christian Education. Melva Deane Foster also served in that position.
For many years a number of dedicated members served as organists, pianists, and choir directors. Music evolved as a very important component of the church program. Mrs. Susan Campagna served as Director of Music from 1988 until 2012. Bob Drummond was hired as Director of Music in November 2012; with Rex Ryan as pianist starting in February 2013.
Due to growth in numbers and programs the church facilities have been expanded several times. A new unit, consisting of the current Fellowship Hall and larger kitchen, a youth room and 6 additional classrooms (current education wing) was dedicated in 1963. The present sanctuary was added in 1971. In 1983 the lower level beneath the sanctuary was completed. The new area housed a youth lounge and kitchen, 6 classrooms, 3 baptismal dressing rooms and rest rooms. The first sanctuary became a chapel and a lounge area large enough for two adult classrooms. A new east entry, 3 new administrative offices, and a work room in the south wing were also added. In recent years remodeling and redecorating have been on-going as well as the addition of storage space and small classrooms.
Fairview has an open membership policy and welcomes all sincere Christians regardless of previous denominational affiliation, creed, mode of baptism or race. Fairview members have worshipped together, served its membership, the community and the greater world through missions, personal benevolence, love and caring for over 50 years.
In November 1954, Pierce met with the Christian Education Commission of Greater Kansas City to inquire about the possibility of a new Christian Church north of the Missouri River. As a result of this visit he was named chairman of a committee to organize a congregation in the area then known as Linden, Missouri. The Fairview Christian Church of Gladstone, Missouri, first known as the Linden Christian Church, held its first service of worship on June 19, 1955 in the Linden Community Building. The sermon on that occasion was entitled "Faith and Life's New Adventures". There were 83 people in attendance, 16 of whom placed their membership with the new congregation. The total offering on that day was $52. After a few weeks of meeting in the community building, arrangements were made to meet in the Linden Elementary School. On October 4th, the congregation adopted the name "Fairview Christian Church".
In November 1955, the Christian Women's Fellowship was organized with Mrs. Ben Neally as the first president. The first Women's Day observance with December 12.
In June 1956, the Christian Church Commission - in counsel with the local congregation - purchased a 10 acre church site at 1800 NE 65th Street in Gladstone. On June 17th the site was dedicated and 70 members signed the charter.
Rev. Clifford Scott was called as the first full-time minister in June 1956. He delivered his first sermon at the dedication of the building site.
The first official board meeting and officers were elected on July 1, 1956. William Axon became the congregation's first chairman. A constitution and by-laws were adopted and a Christian Youth Fellowship (CYF) was organized.
In August 1956 an old farmhouse on the site was remodeled and on September 2nd the congregation began holding Sunday School and worship services in this building. In December the first church parsonage - located at 6403 N. Michigan - was purchased.
The first Vacation Church School was held in June 1957, with 68 children enrolled.
A fund-raising campaign was conducted during the first months of 1957 to raise a portion of the $75,000 needed for the first unit of the new church. On June 23rd a ground breaking ceremony for the new building was held. On November 17th the first service of worship was held in the new building. The first unit consisted of classrooms (current staff offices), a kitchen (current library) and a sanctuary (current chapel/lounge area). The dedication ceremony was held on January 12, 1958.
In June 1958 Boy Scout Troop #316 was organized at Fairview Christian Church with Dick Kalen as the first Scoutmaster.
Fairview Christian Church as been served by only 5 senior ministers during its half-century of ministry. The Rev. James Allen Nichols succeeded Rev. Scott in February of 1959 and shepherded the congregation through its formative years of growth and expansion. In January 1968 the Rev. Dr. Robert Bell became the 3rd minister of the congregation. Rev. Loyd Gentry followed Rev. Bell serving 27 years from September 1975 through December 2002. Rev. Frank H. Everett, began his services with the church in March 2004 and leaving in July 2012.
In June of 2014 we brought on our first set of Co-Pastors: Kassie and Travis Smith McKee. Their first Sunday in the pulpit was June 15th. Kassie left us in September 2019, Travis in December 2019.
An array of interim ministers has served the congregation during the transition periods between permanent pastors. These include the Revs Garner Noland, Joseph Stewart, Norman Berry, Charles Wilson, Eugene Moore, Edward Young, Rodger Kube, Pastor Donna Rose-Heim and Rev. Raymond L Hankins. Steven Regas.
Fairview has spawned 2 "Timothys". Steven Regas (son of Clarence and Jean) was ordained in June 1984 and Roger-Burns Watson was ordained in June 1995.
In 1992 the Rev. Janet Chapman became Fairview's first associate minister. The Rev. Joy Linn followed her as an interim and was succeeded by Ron Bowen (1997-2004), and then Sondra Bowers (2005-2007). The Rev. Dr. Clarence Tucker first came on staff as an interim associate minister (2004-2005), then as part time Associate Minister in 2006, retiring shortly after that.
Mrs Francis Chambers was employed in 1968 as the church's first Director of Christian Education. Melva Deane Foster also served in that position.
For many years a number of dedicated members served as organists, pianists, and choir directors. Music evolved as a very important component of the church program. Mrs. Susan Campagna served as Director of Music from 1988 until 2012. Bob Drummond was hired as Director of Music in November 2012; with Rex Ryan as pianist starting in February 2013.
Due to growth in numbers and programs the church facilities have been expanded several times. A new unit, consisting of the current Fellowship Hall and larger kitchen, a youth room and 6 additional classrooms (current education wing) was dedicated in 1963. The present sanctuary was added in 1971. In 1983 the lower level beneath the sanctuary was completed. The new area housed a youth lounge and kitchen, 6 classrooms, 3 baptismal dressing rooms and rest rooms. The first sanctuary became a chapel and a lounge area large enough for two adult classrooms. A new east entry, 3 new administrative offices, and a work room in the south wing were also added. In recent years remodeling and redecorating have been on-going as well as the addition of storage space and small classrooms.
Fairview has an open membership policy and welcomes all sincere Christians regardless of previous denominational affiliation, creed, mode of baptism or race. Fairview members have worshipped together, served its membership, the community and the greater world through missions, personal benevolence, love and caring for over 50 years.