The Sanctuary Altar Piece
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) observes the two ordinances of the Church instituted by Christ; Baptist and the Lord's Supper. It is by intentional design that the Baptistry and the Communion Table are placed in the center of our Chancel area. Both stand at the heart of our beliefs and worship. The Altar piece displayed above the Bapistry and Communion Table depict the symbols of our faith and beliefs. In it one sees: The Descending Dove, the most used symbol of the Holy Spirit. The Fish, a symbol used by early Christians to identify themselves as followers of Jesus. The Open Bible, the Word of God. The Thorns and Drop of Blood, reminding us of the suffering of Christ. The Grapes, representing the wine, the shed blood of Christ. The Chalice, taken and blessed by Jesus at the Last Supper. |