The Northland Christmas Store
is located at:
North Cross United Methodist Church
1321 NE Vivion Road
Kansas City, MO
Dec. 5th, 6th & 7th
We are looking for Fairview CC Volunteers to signup to work a shift at the store.
FCC shift signup sheets will be available on Sunday, Nov. 6th, 13th & Nov. 20th in the Narthex (look for the designated table).
Each year, Fairview Christian Church helps by collecting toys and sharing our mission dollars.
We invite you to be a part of love in action.
You may bring unwrapped toys on Sun. Nov. 13th, Nov. 20th or 27th. We will dedicate the toys on the Nov. 27th.
Toys should be valued at $20 or more for ages infants to age 12. (13-18 year olds will receive gift cards.)
Any questions, please contact Myrna G.
Share the Christmas Spirit and get involved.