Greater Kansas City Disciples
The Becoming Beloved Community Team of the Greater Kansas City Region of the
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is once again providing a video devotional series
for Lent. These devotionals will look at the traditional themes of Lent through the lens
of social justice.
Today, Ash Wednesday, we begin the series with a video from Rev. Mark Harmon. You
can access this video with this link:
You can also access this and future videos in the Lent 2023 Devotionals playlist on the
region’s YouTube channel.
We hope you will make this journey with us throughout the season of Lent.
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is once again providing a video devotional series
for Lent. These devotionals will look at the traditional themes of Lent through the lens
of social justice.
Today, Ash Wednesday, we begin the series with a video from Rev. Mark Harmon. You
can access this video with this link:
You can also access this and future videos in the Lent 2023 Devotionals playlist on the
region’s YouTube channel.
We hope you will make this journey with us throughout the season of Lent.