Frequently Asked Questions
Many questions get asked by visitors, friends, and neighbors of our church and members. Here is a list of questions that may help you get to know Fairview Christian Church better.
What time is your Sunday worship service and when should I arrive?
We offer a traditional worship service that starts at 10:00 AM and generally lasts about an hour. You should plan on arriving about 10-15 minutes before service starts to get a bulletin and find a place to sit. This will also allow you some time to ask questions you may have, meet people from the congregation, and to see where things are in the church building.
We offer a traditional worship service that starts at 10:00 AM and generally lasts about an hour. You should plan on arriving about 10-15 minutes before service starts to get a bulletin and find a place to sit. This will also allow you some time to ask questions you may have, meet people from the congregation, and to see where things are in the church building.
What is an average attendance for a Sunday service?
We average about 150 per Sunday service.
We average about 150 per Sunday service.
Do I have to belong to your denomination to attend and participate in church activities?
Not at all! You can belong to any denomination and even be a current and active member of another church. We believe that all churches and denominations are a part of the Body of Christ and celebrate unity in worship.
Not at all! You can belong to any denomination and even be a current and active member of another church. We believe that all churches and denominations are a part of the Body of Christ and celebrate unity in worship.
As a visitor you are welcome to attend Sunday School classes and the worship service, but you can also join a group, a department, the choir, and attend any activities we are holding including special outings, lunches or dinners. We welcome all who believe in and seek to follow Christ to join us. Even if you belong to another denomination or even if you are a current and active member of another church.
Will I be made to stand up, introduce myself, or be singled out in any way as a visitor?
No. We respect your privacy and your desire to worship with us at your own comfort level. We won't call on you from the pews, or ask you to introduce yourself in front of the congregation.
No. We respect your privacy and your desire to worship with us at your own comfort level. We won't call on you from the pews, or ask you to introduce yourself in front of the congregation.
Do I have to dress up to attend your worship service?
No, dressing up is not a requirement to worship with us but we would ask you to keep it appropriate. Some wear their "Sunday Best" while others come in business casual or even casual. We believe the most important part about Sunday morning is showing up, being comfortable, and being ready to worship God.
Note: The temperature in the Sanctuary does fluctuate so you may want to bring a light jacket or sweater with you if you get cold.
No, dressing up is not a requirement to worship with us but we would ask you to keep it appropriate. Some wear their "Sunday Best" while others come in business casual or even casual. We believe the most important part about Sunday morning is showing up, being comfortable, and being ready to worship God.
Note: The temperature in the Sanctuary does fluctuate so you may want to bring a light jacket or sweater with you if you get cold.
Are there certain things I would be expected to say or do at certain times during the service?
We like to involve everyone in our worship services with prayers, responses, and singing. Everything you would need to participate will be presented on a projector screen at the front of the Sanctuary or in the bulletin. There are times when we stand (as we are able) for short periods and for hymns that we sing. Hymns are sung in a variety of ways; the congregation alone, the choir alone, and the congregation and choir together. We'll have bulletins with all the information marked. We have the words for the songs on a projector screen at the front of the sanctuary and in the hymnals.
We like to involve everyone in our worship services with prayers, responses, and singing. Everything you would need to participate will be presented on a projector screen at the front of the Sanctuary or in the bulletin. There are times when we stand (as we are able) for short periods and for hymns that we sing. Hymns are sung in a variety of ways; the congregation alone, the choir alone, and the congregation and choir together. We'll have bulletins with all the information marked. We have the words for the songs on a projector screen at the front of the sanctuary and in the hymnals.
Does Fairview provide nursery care?
Yes! Nursery care is available during Sunday School and worship services for infants and children up to age five. Care starts at 9:00 AM and lasts through Koffee Klatch. The nursery is located down the hall across from Fellowship Hall on the north side of the building. Our nursery has 3 cribs and toys and is run by staff attendants each Sunday morning.
Yes! Nursery care is available during Sunday School and worship services for infants and children up to age five. Care starts at 9:00 AM and lasts through Koffee Klatch. The nursery is located down the hall across from Fellowship Hall on the north side of the building. Our nursery has 3 cribs and toys and is run by staff attendants each Sunday morning.
What is Fairview's stance on children and visitors partaking in Communion?
We believe Communion is an open celebration of God's grace and offer it each time we worship. All believers are encouraged to partake and celebrate during worship as their personal beliefs allow. This includes children and visitors.
How does Fairview partake in Communion?
Communion is usually passed through the congregation by the deacons and served in the pews. We serve grape juice and wafers. As the tray is being passed to you, take the bread and the cup. You may either partake in the cup immediately and place the empty cup back in the tray before passing it to the next person, or hold onto it and partake after you say a small prayer. We have slots in the pew racks for empty cups when you are done.
We believe Communion is an open celebration of God's grace and offer it each time we worship. All believers are encouraged to partake and celebrate during worship as their personal beliefs allow. This includes children and visitors.
How does Fairview partake in Communion?
Communion is usually passed through the congregation by the deacons and served in the pews. We serve grape juice and wafers. As the tray is being passed to you, take the bread and the cup. You may either partake in the cup immediately and place the empty cup back in the tray before passing it to the next person, or hold onto it and partake after you say a small prayer. We have slots in the pew racks for empty cups when you are done.
What exactly is Koffee Klatch?
It is an opportunity for everyone to get together for light refreshments and conversation. This is a great time to get to know both our members and our visitors. Our refreshments usually include coffee, punch, and cookies. Once a month we also have a Donut Sunday.
It is an opportunity for everyone to get together for light refreshments and conversation. This is a great time to get to know both our members and our visitors. Our refreshments usually include coffee, punch, and cookies. Once a month we also have a Donut Sunday.
How do I become a member of Fairview/Can I and/or my children be baptized at Fairview?
We would love to welcome you as a member of Fairview's faith community. For information on becoming a member please check out our Membership Page or contact Kathy at 816-452-2829 or at [email protected] For information on baptisms please check out our Membership page.
We would love to welcome you as a member of Fairview's faith community. For information on becoming a member please check out our Membership Page or contact Kathy at 816-452-2829 or at [email protected] For information on baptisms please check out our Membership page.
Does Fairview have Sunday School class opportunities for children? What about adults?
Yes. We have a variety of Sunday School classes for all ages that start at 9:00am. The classes vary in size and ages but all are welcome to join. For more information on Sunday School classes check out our Sunday School page.
Yes. We have a variety of Sunday School classes for all ages that start at 9:00am. The classes vary in size and ages but all are welcome to join. For more information on Sunday School classes check out our Sunday School page.
What kind of adult education/spiritual growth opportunities do you offer?
Fairview also offers a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship outside of Sunday mornings through CMF (Christian Men's Fellowship), CWF (Christian Women's Fellowship) and many other groups. Please check our Groups page for more groups and information on each one.
Fairview also offers a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship outside of Sunday mornings through CMF (Christian Men's Fellowship), CWF (Christian Women's Fellowship) and many other groups. Please check our Groups page for more groups and information on each one.
What kind of outreach is the church involved in?
Fairview Christian Church is active in a variety of community ministries, both local and around the world.
Some of our local ministries include the Clay County Clothes Closet, the Metropolitan Lutheran Ministry (MLM), Micah Ministries, and the Northland Christmas Store.
Our global outreach is also an active part of our church. We help with a number of ministries around the world including Christmas Shoebox, Festival of Sharing, Shoes for Orphan Souls, and we sponsor a child in India.
These are just some of the areas in which we serve the global community and you can find more information on our Missions page.
Fairview Christian Church is active in a variety of community ministries, both local and around the world.
Some of our local ministries include the Clay County Clothes Closet, the Metropolitan Lutheran Ministry (MLM), Micah Ministries, and the Northland Christmas Store.
Our global outreach is also an active part of our church. We help with a number of ministries around the world including Christmas Shoebox, Festival of Sharing, Shoes for Orphan Souls, and we sponsor a child in India.
These are just some of the areas in which we serve the global community and you can find more information on our Missions page.
Can I have my wedding at Fairview?
Yes, weddings are open to members and visitors. See the Wedding page for more information.
Yes, weddings are open to members and visitors. See the Wedding page for more information.
With whom do I talk if I want to know more?
We would love to answer any question that you may have about Fairview Christian Church. If you did not find what you were looking for on our website, please contact Kathy at 816-452-2829 or by email at [email protected]
We would love to answer any question that you may have about Fairview Christian Church. If you did not find what you were looking for on our website, please contact Kathy at 816-452-2829 or by email at [email protected]
We have parking lots on the east and west sides of the church. We have additional parking in front of the church. Each location has handicap spaces and entrances that are handicap accessible. We have a total of 175 spaces including the 14 handicap spaces.
Handicap Accessibility:
The building is accessible to those with disabilities from all parking lots. The Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, offices, classrooms, and one set of bathrooms are all wheelchair accessible.
We also have special hearing devices available upon request.
We have entrances located on the east, south and west sides of the building. The Sanctuary is located in the front (south-east corner) of the building. Here you will find greeters who will greet you and give you a weekly bulletin before entering the Sanctuary. The greeters, and anyone wearing a name tag saying Deacon or Elder, will try to answer any question you may have.
We have parking lots on the east and west sides of the church. We have additional parking in front of the church. Each location has handicap spaces and entrances that are handicap accessible. We have a total of 175 spaces including the 14 handicap spaces.
Handicap Accessibility:
The building is accessible to those with disabilities from all parking lots. The Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, offices, classrooms, and one set of bathrooms are all wheelchair accessible.
We also have special hearing devices available upon request.
We have entrances located on the east, south and west sides of the building. The Sanctuary is located in the front (south-east corner) of the building. Here you will find greeters who will greet you and give you a weekly bulletin before entering the Sanctuary. The greeters, and anyone wearing a name tag saying Deacon or Elder, will try to answer any question you may have.