Volunteer Angels and Departments
There are many ways to serve at Fairview Christian Church. One way is to help with one of the various ministries by joining one of our departments. However, there are also many ongoing opportunities to serve, that you can volunteer to do, without being on a department. Listed below are some examples. You can volunteer for individual events as needed. We invite you to use your gifts and abilities in serving God through our work and service together. Discuss your volunteer aspirations with the chairperson of the department of your choice. Or you may do volunteer work with more than one department.
Christian Education: Directs and nurtures the religious growth of the congregation through Sunday School, youth groups, mid-week activities, Vacation Bible School, summer camps, leadership education, and the distribution of Christian literature.
Need Immediately:
Sunday School teachers and substitutes.
Need Immediately:
Sunday School teachers and substitutes.
Church Growth and Evangelism: Be a part of the department to plan church-wide events for our church and our Gladstone/Kansas City community. Meetings are every two months.
Need: Dedicated Disciples who take pride in our efforts to grow our church.
Need: Dedicated Disciples who take pride in our efforts to grow our church.
Membership: Provides a variety of social and fellowship programs and events that helps develop a sense of community within the church.
If you would like to help plan events, set up tables and chairs, decorate tables, host or help with clean up then we would be glad to add you to our call list.
Koffee Klatch Hosts - We need volunteers to provide and serve light refreshments after church service.
If you would like to help plan events, set up tables and chairs, decorate tables, host or help with clean up then we would be glad to add you to our call list.
Koffee Klatch Hosts - We need volunteers to provide and serve light refreshments after church service.
Missions: Coordinates efforts within the church and in cooperation with other agencies that reach out to the neighborhood, the greater Kansas City area, and across the globe in response to human hurts and needs.
Micah Ministry Workers
Micah Ministry Workers

Is responsible for maintaining all of the grounds, equipment, and facilities in proper condition for operations of the church.
We need to keep the physical plant in the best condition possible. We need people who are good with tools and are interested in the ongoing maintenance of our building to join in the fun with our maintenance team. We also need those who can review and facilitate the implementation of contracts to keep our facility up to date and running in the most cost effective way possible.
Our grounds are mowed and maintained by volunteers. We have two Zero Ration Turn mowers which are run by men and women from the church. They have a blast buzzing around the grounds on a big mower. During the winter we have a snow removal crew pushing snow off the parking lots with a snow blade on a tractor.
Anyone, male or female, who wants to be part of the EXCLUSIVE CREW is invited to join us.
Rotating member of crews to weed, mow, or do snow removal as needed.
We need to keep the physical plant in the best condition possible. We need people who are good with tools and are interested in the ongoing maintenance of our building to join in the fun with our maintenance team. We also need those who can review and facilitate the implementation of contracts to keep our facility up to date and running in the most cost effective way possible.
Our grounds are mowed and maintained by volunteers. We have two Zero Ration Turn mowers which are run by men and women from the church. They have a blast buzzing around the grounds on a big mower. During the winter we have a snow removal crew pushing snow off the parking lots with a snow blade on a tractor.
Anyone, male or female, who wants to be part of the EXCLUSIVE CREW is invited to join us.
Rotating member of crews to weed, mow, or do snow removal as needed.
Stewardship & Finance: Develops and monitors the church's budget, directs the annual giving campaign, oversees the financial records of the congregation, and provides programs of stewardship education.
Worship: The purpose of this department is to encourage, support, and assist the minister in providing variety and creativity in a meaningful, well-balanced worship experience for the congregation.
Worship Leaders - We need volunteers to assist the minister in leading the Sunday Service.
Door Greeters - We need volunteers to greet members and visitors and distribute the Sunday Bulletin and any special hand-outs as they enter the Sanctuary prior to the start of Sunday Service.
Worship Leaders - We need volunteers to assist the minister in leading the Sunday Service.
Door Greeters - We need volunteers to greet members and visitors and distribute the Sunday Bulletin and any special hand-outs as they enter the Sanctuary prior to the start of Sunday Service.