Our family of churches has always encouraged a democracy of ideas and freedom in Christian conscience Yet we also affirm the following fundamental beliefs:
Jesus is the Christ,
The Son of the Living God;
Through baptism into Christ we enter into newness of life and are made one with the whole people of God;
At the table of the Lord we celebrate with thanksgiving the saving acts and presence of Christ.
Freedom of Belief: We believe that the Bible is God's word. We allow each person the freedom to responsibly interpret the Bible for themselves. Everyone is free to follow their consciences guided by the Bible, the Holy Spirit, study and prayer, and is expected to extend that freedom to others.
Belief in the Oneness of the Church: We believe in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior, and as part of Christ's church, we recognize as members all persons who share those beliefs, regardless of their denominational or doctrinal beliefs and preferences.
Open Communion: The New Testament states that the first Christians celebrated The Lord's Supper, or Communion, whenever they worshiped together. Following this tradition, we share the Lord's Supper every Sunday as a reminder of God's gift to us in Jesus Christ and anyone who believes that Jesus Christ is Lord can partake.
Baptism by Immersion: Although we practice baptism by immersion, other baptism traditions are honored if you join our church (you do not have to be baptized again if you have already been baptized in another church in a different way other than immersion).
For more information on the denomination, you can visit the sites below.
Jesus is the Christ,
The Son of the Living God;
Through baptism into Christ we enter into newness of life and are made one with the whole people of God;
At the table of the Lord we celebrate with thanksgiving the saving acts and presence of Christ.
Freedom of Belief: We believe that the Bible is God's word. We allow each person the freedom to responsibly interpret the Bible for themselves. Everyone is free to follow their consciences guided by the Bible, the Holy Spirit, study and prayer, and is expected to extend that freedom to others.
Belief in the Oneness of the Church: We believe in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior, and as part of Christ's church, we recognize as members all persons who share those beliefs, regardless of their denominational or doctrinal beliefs and preferences.
Open Communion: The New Testament states that the first Christians celebrated The Lord's Supper, or Communion, whenever they worshiped together. Following this tradition, we share the Lord's Supper every Sunday as a reminder of God's gift to us in Jesus Christ and anyone who believes that Jesus Christ is Lord can partake.
Baptism by Immersion: Although we practice baptism by immersion, other baptism traditions are honored if you join our church (you do not have to be baptized again if you have already been baptized in another church in a different way other than immersion).
For more information on the denomination, you can visit the sites below.